Once again a Happy moment I am going to share you all. SNC - South North Challenge which became really a popular Event among us. The founder of this ethnic idea is Only our Lovely Foodie Friend Divya Pramil owner of " You Too Can Cook - ". Thanks a lot Divya for such a beautiful thinking. Now it seems you all will agree with me that SNC is a lovely Family where apart from challenging, we are sharing recipes to each other groups. Really it is good learning technique for us.By the rules South people challenges North and North people challenges to South. Great Right!! So Dear... Visit to join This . And I am really grateful to Divya that she has given a chance to me to host for this Month. Its really a great feeling to me . To get this beautiful opportunity I did not take more than one minute that what will be my hosting recipe. Its none other than a Bengali Delicacy. A Traditional Bengali dish Lentil Cakes Curry pronounce like Dhokar Dalna here Dhoka is Lentil Cak...
Meet Pinky , a creative and multi-talented individual passionate about Writing , Studying , Sketching, Cooking , Blogging , Vlogging and Singing . With interest in Lifestyle , Well Being and Travelling , she shares her experiences and Insights through her blog since 2009 .