A late Night Post ! Sometimes you bound to post at mid - night also, Am I right ! When you have a lot of work pressures and you cant continue your passion , You have to wait for late night post also to respect your passion !But I like late night post as Outside is too quiet , a perfect time for your passions like writing , reading and sometimes sketching or painting !! Usually love to watch movie also in weekends with my Son, but tonight somehow could not manage too watch movie so thought how it would be if like to share one special post like Thali with few variety !! A short cut meal which is much needed whenever you feel tired but at the same time you need some tasty and delicious foods . So here I am to share with you one mini meal which takes very less time to prepare but your taste buds cannot resist to have it once you prepare Thali. Though this is not from any specific region , but I am sure you will love this ...... Enough introduction , now time to share Thali menu which ...