Ā©ļø Me & More ... What's Hot about Vitamin C ! Or How we can benefit from consuming Vitamin C in the summer ! Think of a sweltering hot day , and a glass of chilled nimbu pani . Doesn't it sound great ? You're dripping with perspiration and you feel drained of every ounce of energy. Wouldn't something cold , like a nice aam panga , be just right to replenish you ? What is it about all these food items that make us crave them in the Sumner heat ? There is refreshers - Vitamin C . There is sufficient evidence that Vitamin C is a crucial Nutrients for our body for various reasons and especially so when it is hot . Firstly it helps refresh us . Vitamin C can reach each cell , leaving us feeling light And ready to face the summer heat. Squeeze sweet lime into a glass of water , add some salt and roasted cumin powder and you have a great substitute for not only the minerals but also the energy lost in the summer heat . Ā©ļø Me & More ... Now there is a tip regardi...
Meet Pinky , a creative and multi-talented individual passionate about Writing , Studying , Sketching, Cooking , Blogging , Vlogging and Singing . With interest in Lifestyle , Well Being and Travelling , she shares her experiences and Insights through her blog since 2009 .