MeAndMoreWithEBA A proper , balanced diet plays an important role in the health of a students . Thecright food protects a child's body & mind . When the thinking process starts , some chemical reactions take place in the part of the brain called the neurotransmitter . This neurotransmitter helps the brain to receive , store , process and assess data collected by person . The brain functions efficiently if proper Nutrients are supplied . For that reason everyday routine must be healthy always . During school time or vacation time most of them should be a good healthy habits . Here are dome some suggestions that will help children feel energetic & fresh. Early Morning : Start the day with 1-2 glasses of normal/lukewarm water followed by a handful nuts ( dates , fig , almonds, walnut ) . A small helping of some snack will act as srart up gear . Breakfast : A healthy breakfast boosts energy levels in the body . Opt for milk / soymilk with Multigrain bread ,...
Meet Pinky , a creative and multi-talented individual passionate about Writing , Studying , Sketching, Cooking , Blogging , Vlogging and Singing . With interest in Lifestyle , Well Being and Travelling , she shares her experiences and Insights through her blog since 2009 .