Hi Friends after a long time again here to post some delicious recipes from my Kitchen ! Hope you all are doing well !! Know it very well in this difficult situation , very tough to manage with everything as our lifestyle goes on changing daily , but nothing to do we should manage like that only and we should accept it and we should stay positive towards future orientation !! We shall overcome it ! It is like that , Have faith we can !! Anyway we should carry on our work progress as we do ! So here is my next post what I prepared it during lock down in the previous year, as I was busy with my other works , so could not manage to post, But somehow I feel now I should concentrate on my Passion sometimes !! So here again ! This time back with one of my favourite recipe from Rajasthan , Just one year Back I visited my dream place Rajasthan Thank God that time this Covid symptons was not there and We enjoyed our tour fully !! Now sharing about recipes ! Lauki Kadhi a famous recipe from Raja...
Meet Pinky , a creative and multi-talented individual passionate about Writing , Studying , Sketching, Cooking , Blogging , Vlogging and Singing . With interest in Lifestyle , Well Being and Travelling , she shares her experiences and Insights through her blog since 2009 .