Methi shaak bhaja ! Hope it sounds little different for non-Bengalis! Yes , the reason behind of this is it is a Bengali starter . Bengalis are very much fond of variety of leafy vegetables. They are having most of the leafy vegetables with rice whereas others are taking as stuffing for roti or chapathi . Bengalis used to prepare methi shaak with eggplant and bori (sun dried lentils). Its taste so good with rice if you are not having it, it cannot be explained ! But remember this is a starter only with plain rice . To prepare this recipe you should not give so much time at all. All leafy vegetables cooks so fast and here is no exception. Now if you ask about nutritional value of fenugreek leaves , it is a good source of Iron, Vitamin B-6 , and Magnesium . It provides some kind of calcium too. Over all it is 100% dietary fiber. Methi Shaak Bhaja | Fenugreek Leves Fry
Meet Pinky , a creative and multi-talented individual passionate about Writing , Studying , Sketching, Cooking , Blogging , Vlogging and Singing . With interest in Lifestyle , Well Being and Travelling , she shares her experiences and Insights through her blog since 2009 .