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Showing posts with the label Khichdi Recipe

The Ultimate Indian Comfort Food :Khichdi Recipe | One pot wonder | A Simple Nutritious Recipe

Khichdi Recipe | One Pot Meal  The Story of Khichdi In ancient India, there lived a wise and just king named Dasharatha. He ruled over the kingdom of Ayodhya with kindness and fairness. One day, a severe famine struck the land, and the people of Ayodhya were struggling to find food. The king's advisors suggested that he impose heavy taxes on the people to collect grain for the royal storehouse. However, the king was not convinced. He knew that his people were already suffering, and imposing taxes would only add to their misery. As the king sat in his court, pondering over the problem, a wise old sage named Vasishtha appeared before him. The sage asked the king to share his concerns, and the king explained the situation. Vasishtha smiled and said, "I shall teach you a recipe that will feed your entire kingdom, and it will be made from the simplest of ingredients." The sage then taught the king how to make Khichdi, a dish made from a mixture of rice, lentils, and vegetables...