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French Toast Recipe | Easy Snack Recipe | Egg less Recipe

Bread is such an item which is consider as a staple food for Indian culture. Meaning of staple foods are very common. A staple food is a food which can be stored for use throughout year ... (web definition). So bread is a best staple food which can be stored easily and for using any innovative recipes like sandwich variety, snack variety are very common to prepare. Bread can easily use an alternative to lunch and dinner. This is not enough bread is very common and regular quick diet item for those people who are busy in  work  for everyday life.

After sandwich if you ask about my choice with bread its nothing other than French Toast ( A Savory dish ) .FrenchToast or Poor Knights from Germany is a recipe which is originally found in ancient Roman times. It is actually a sliced bread without crust elements soak into milk and beaten egg fried in oil and serving with honey or maple syrup. Basically it sweets in taste too.But this tried version is little different. More and more it is egg less, It is salty in taste and it is cheesy,soft and fabulous in taste too.

Preparation Time : 15 mins
Cooking Time : 15 mins
Serves : 4

Ingredients :

4 Bread Slices
2 tbsp plain flour
1 tbsp Corn flour
1/2 Cup Milk
1/2 Cup Fresh Cream
1/2 Cup Grated Cheese (Processed cheese)
1 tsp Black Pepper Powder
Salt to taste
4 tbsp white oil
1/2 tsp Red Chili Flakes
1/2 Cup Tomato Ketch up

Cooking Direction :

Combine plain flour,corn flour,milk,fresh cream,black pepper,processed cheese and salt to taste.
Whisk until it turns to smooth batter.
Remove bread crust from the sides.Cut breads into diagonally.
Dip each diagonal slice into the batter and fry with 1 tbsp oil in non-stick pan on both sides till golden brown.
Serve immediately with chili flakes and tomato ketch up.

As this French toast goes very well with any warm drink. So my suggestion will be A cup of warm Cappuccino Coffee with this snack. I think its a nice combo and everyone will enjoy it. Thanks Minnie your coffee is looking just yummilicious .

sending this to :


Chitz said…
Wow.. Eggless French toast !! Liked the idea.. Will try it soon :)
Priya Suresh said…
Our family favourite..dont mind having anytime.
sushmita pandit said…
Thats a tasty french toast idea.
Unknown said…
yummy toast dear :)
Thanks for linking it to my event Nabanita !!
Looks yummy :)
Thanks so much for bringing this to my's perfect!!!

The link is going to my homepage, that is why you are unable to link. It has to be this link:

Let me know if you still have any problems.
Me & More ... said…
Thanks Minnie for your Cooperation...
Now its working... I got it. Thanks a lot Minnie :)

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