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Easy steps To Create a Blog | For Beginners

Hello Friends again I am here with some Tips regarding creation of a blog .We are all Foodies doing a great Job like Cooking and Sharing through blog. This is really a signature for those women who are continuing one food blog in spite of their regular routine duties at all. It feels really sounds that we are Earning from Blogging too..

In modern technology it is just a superb opportunity that you are publishing your Recipe Book / Thoughts in the Virtual world. And that is also free of cost too..What an opportunity! In the real world if you want to publish any book you have to do so many legal and routine documentary and that is not a joke. Means you need a proper guidance.Otherwise all will be in vein.

Hurray !! I found it Today
Work from Home. This is a very common term for this time. And Blogging meets the idea of Work from home very clearly. So today is the post for my readers(already i got two mails to help about blogging and earnings) that if you are willing to engage in this Blogging world and thinking to create a blog. So this is the perfect space for you and this post is really very useful to you. But without hard work nothing is possible!! So after creation of  Blog you have to be an active blogger to get success.So here is some easy and quick explanations for all of you who want to create a blog.

Now explaining about some requirements for blogging, in virtual world whenever you want to publish some book that is called e-Book means Electronics Book. In that case your primary or basic want is A computer/A laptop and A Good Internet connection. That's all. If you are a good recipe collector or good cook or you have a good writing skills on any topic or if you have a minimum techie knowledge about internet and last but not the least skill to write in English properly (though you can write blog in your regional language too, but in that case worldwide it has lower popularity chance,so preferable English). You are done!
Disclaimers : This is a Special post for all my New Readers, who are also interested to start a Blog.

First Of all Some FAQ related Blog:

What is a Blog?
A Blog is a personal Diary, An e-book or an electronic book, Basically a blog is whatever you want it to be. With this blog you can write stuff about anything and you will be able to share it with the visitors.

If your blog posts are getting popularity then you are a successful bloggers in this Virtual or Electronics World.

Why you will create a blog?
This is really a tricky question. Because some people blog for their own interest and some blog only for their passion. Who blog for passion that is separate reason but who have some own interest means there is something on it- Pause a little :O I am coming to this point later.

Is there any Rules for blogging?
Apparently there is no rules for blogging at all. But still as you are writing in the public place or area, you have to conscious about when you are writing somethings.
Try to give only right information.
Do not lie on your blog post.

8 Keywords about benefits of Blogging?
  1. Blogging improve your writing skill.
  2. Blogging maximize your opinion skills.
  3. Blogging can increase your knowledge too.
  4. Blogging helps to become you a good researcher.
  5. Blogging helps to improve your memory day by day.
  6. Blogging is a creativity of your Talent.
  7. Blogging is a Cost effective marketing.
  8. Blogging Earns money for you.
You Can set your Goal too

So, Dear why late ? For all new comers today I am sharing some Easy Tips for starting a Blog hope you will like it.

Before you are going to create blog there are certain things to consider. These are :
There are so many platforms to create free blog. Which one you will select ! It depends on you. But as I have an account in So I will suggest only It is simple,organised and easy  for Beginners also. It has so many unique features which you will come to know day by day when you will use it...

To create a blog first of all you need one Blog account.So, How to create a Blog?

Easy Steps to Create a Free Blog/Food Blog :
  1. To Create Blog Account Go to Blogger Page.
  2. Click On Sign Up button on the top of the right hand side otherwise Click on Sign Up link here.
  3. Fill in the Form with correct information as per form requirements and click on Next Step
  4. You will be redirected to add a Profile photo.
  5. Click on Next step.
  6. Welcome Message you can see now.
  7. Click on Back To Blogger .
  8. Click On New Blog Button.
  9. Put Title, Blog address*** and choose one Template from the list of Template.
  10. Create Blog.
*** Blog address should be an Unique address.

Press the Key

Keep Visiting To Know More About Blogging and Earnings ....

You Can like This also :

  1. Foodie blogroll + Likelii = Earn More Revenue
  2. Foodie Blogroll + Swoop = Earn More Revenue


meenab said…
wow pinky you r getting expert in these tips

surely its very useful for all those who want to start smthing bt dnt know how to
well done with this
Hi dear I completely agree with you...blogging gives a chance to become extraordinary to an ordinary person...
Happy blogging
Unknown said…
lovely post...
happy blogging....
good venture and very helpful for beginners.happy to follow you Nabanitha !
Ruxana Gafoor said…
you are such a sweet heart..caring for all...
Asiya Omar said…
Helpful Post for beginners..
Priya Suresh said…
Omg, you are doing a wonderful job dear, an useful post for the beginners.
Rafeeda AR said…
that is such a lovely post dear... appreciate your initiative!!! :)
Me & More ... said…
Thanks for Your supports Dearies..

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