Have you remember a s cene from the movie of Jodha Akbar ? Where a typical vegetarian meal was serving at the Royal Court (Darbar) of Akbar with over 100 items . In Tradition this meal is called Thali . Here thali represents a round platter with small bowls of food items. In M ughal period G ourmet T hali was like that. Image courtesy : Google image Nowadays when we are celebrating any party basically it contains mix and match of Indian recipe and International recipes . But I like to celebrate traditional foods with a combination of c ondiments, s alad, s nacks, r aita, d al, c urries, r ice/ b read, s weets/ d essert, d rinks. So here is no exception when I am going to celebrate party for my House Warming Ceremony . It was my dream to celebrate gourmet party in Traditional way for my New Home Griha Prabesh . All in above it should have to celebrate in Auspicious Day at an auspicious time. The main door will be decorated with an Indian W all H anging called a T oran...
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