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Soups - Reposts

This is My reposting of recipes which are forwarding for the Event Lovely winter Recipes, Organised By Shanti.

The two recipes of soups which give you something warm feelings in this Monsoon season and of course in Winter too...So lets enjoy it How You do...


Anonymous said…
I love to have one hot bowl of veg soup from there..with some hot pepper powder..looks so appetising..
Parita said…
Love both the soups, perfect for rainy day :)
lubnakarim06 said…
Oh wow....comfort in a bowl...nice entries...
Mmmm perfect for the event...
Hari Chandana P said…
Mmmmmmm... yummyy.. perfect for the season.. :)
Sudeshn said…
Hi Pinky, just stumbled to your blog from Dolon's site. It feels nice to find the community of Bengali Food bloggers growing. I blog at http:/ Earlier had a blog and later moved onto own domain name.

I've subscribed to your feed so that I don't miss anything here.

Anonymous said…
wow!nice entries!Thanks for reposting...
suvi said…
hey...first time here! very comforting those bowls of soup!!
Unknown said…
They look perfect for winter!!
Doloncookbook said…
Hey Pinky please collect the award from my blog .
Soups looks healthy & very tasty .
Me & More ... said…
Thanks to all of you...I love all your comments..

Dolon Thanks for the Award too...

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