Something whenever comes on the name of Dessert , feels like energetic to prepare , to have , to serve & obviously to share the recipe with everyone . Nowadays I became like most lazy person in the world . Godly Blessings I got the time today to prepare this dessert happily . Finally loved the taste as it came out according to my expectations . Very easy to prepare but hard to resist to have one ! Simply Tempting .
Ingredients :
- Homemade Brownei Crushed
- Vanilla Ice Cream
- Hershey's Syrup
- Dry Fruits Crushed & Roasted with Butter ( Cashew , Walnut , Almonds )
Methods :
- Fill Baking Cups with Homemade Brownie Crushed .
- Add 1 Scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream on top of the Crushed Brownie .
- Add Hershey's Syrup on top of ice cream .
- Add Crushed Dry fruits on top .
- Now Brownie Mud Ice Cream is prepared to serve .
- Serve immediately .